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Waiver & Release of Liability
PR Performance Lab - Waiver and Release of Liability
In consideration of the opportunity to participate in personal training, weight lifting, other physical training through PR PERFORMANCE LAB, LLC (henceforth referred to as PR PERFORMANCE), by and through its employees and agents, and to use PR PERFORMANCE facilities and equipment, I hereby agree to the following Waiver and Release of Liability:
1. Waiver and Release of Liability: My participation with PR PERFORMANCE is voluntary on
my part, and my participation subjects me to the possibility of physical injury (which could be minimal, serious, and/or result in death) and loss of damage to my property (collectively, Risks). Accordingly, I agree to the following:
a. I nearby release and hold harmless PR PERFORMANCE, its officers, directors, employees, agents, volunteers, and contractors (collectively, “Releases”) from any claim, demand, loss, liability, damages, and attorney fees and costs whatsoever arising from, related to, or resulting from injury to myself or my property, including but not limited to participating in the PR PERFORMANCEtraining sessions, working out or training on the premises or in the facility of PR PERFORMANCE, or by being on the PR PERFORMANCE premises. This release and hold harmless agreement includes, among other things, those injuries to me or my property caused by the negligent acts or omissions of any or all of the Releases, as included above.
b. I fully understand the physical exertion and training involved in the physical activity I am doing at PR PERFORMANCE may lead to me becoming physically injured.
c. I attest and certify I am physically fit to participate in the physical activity/training I will engage in at PR PERFORMANCE and have not been advised otherwise by a health care professional.
d. As between each of the Releasees and me, I will be solely responsible for any and all medical and related bills that I may incur because of any injury, as well as costs related to loss of damage to my property, that I may sustain as a result of my participation with PR PERFORMANCE, including those sustained on the PR PERFORMANCE premise/facility.
e. As between each of the Releasees and me, I will not sue them for any injury I receive while engaging in the personal training, weightlifting, or other activities I may engage in while on the premises of PR PERFORMANCE or in any off-site training locations and if I do file a lawsuit against them or cause them to engage in any action, litigation, arbitration, or otherwise, and they incur attorney fees or other fees/costs of any kind, I will indemnify and reimburse PR PERFORMANCE or any of the Releasees from liability and the costs or damages PR PERFORMANCE or its Releasees incur as a result of my actions.
f. This Agreement shall be binding on my estate, heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns, as well as any other party asserting a Claim on my behalf or on the behalf of my estate.
2. General Provisions:
a. I expressly agree that (1) this Agreement shall be governed and construed according the the laws of the State of Utah without regard to its conflict of law provisions and (2) any action or proceeding concerning any Claim or the meaning or effect of any provision of the Agreement shall be conducted only in the federal or state courts located in the State of Utah, and that for such purposes, I expressly submit to the jurisdiction of such courts.
b. This Agreement contains the entire understanding of the parties, No waiver, modification, or amendment of any of the terms of this Agreement shall be effective unless made in writing and signed by the party to be charged.
c. I hereby expressly agree that if any portion of the Agreement is held invalid, the balance of the Agreement shall nonetheless continue in full legal force and effect. I warrant that I have read and understand that this Agreement involves my waiver and release of significant rights and my assumption of significant indemnification responsibilities in participating in the Event.
Dated:_________ /s/_________ Participant Signature ________________________________
Phone Number: /s/______________________________
Participant Print Name ___________________________
Email __________________________