One of the most common deficiencies seen in runners is a compensation called a “hip drop.”
Hip drop occurs when full body weight is being supported on one leg, the stance phase of running. Typically, a weakness in the hip of the weight bearing leg causes the opposite hip to drop.
Hip drop can lead to or cause: IT band pain, Hip pain, Knee pain, etc.
Even if you are not rehabbing an injury, prevention is key.

With such a high percentage of runners getting injured each year:
✔️ it's a good idea to address your weak areas
✔️ focus on the foundations
✔️ continue strength training outside of running
Not sure if you Hip Drop?
3 exercises to add to your workout:
1) Toe taps with or without band - don't let standing knee fall in
2) Single leg squats - keep hips level
3) Side plank with hip extension/flexion - keep core strong & hip high
I'll be posting more ideas this week on my IG & FB accounts
Drop a comment below and let us know how you did!