Pes Anserine Bursitis:
Unraveling the Mystery of Inner Knee Pain and 3 Strengthening Exercises for Relief
Knee pain is a common challenge for runners, and if you're experiencing discomfort on the inside of your knee, Pes Anserine Bursitis might be the culprit.
What is Bursitis?
Bursitis (bur-SY-tis) is a painful condition that affects the small, fluid-filled sacs — called bursae (bur-SEE) — that cushion the bones, tendons and muscles near your joints. Bursitis occurs when bursae become inflamed. The most common locations for bursitis are in the shoulder, elbow and hip.
This condition can be frustrating, but understanding it and performing targeted exercises can help alleviate pain and strengthen the surrounding muscles. In this blog post, we'll explore Pes Anserine Bursitis, its symptoms, and provide you with three effective exercises to help strengthen the muscles involved.

Decoding Pes Anserine Bursitis
Pes Anserine Bursitis is an inflammation of the pes anserine bursa, a small sac located on the inside of the knee, just below the joint. Runners are susceptible to this condition due to factors like overuse, muscle imbalances, or biomechanical issues.
Common Symptoms of Pes Anserine Bursitis:
Pain on the inside of the knee, especially during activities such as running or descending stairs.
Swelling and tenderness at the site of the bursa.
Discomfort when flexing or bending the knee, like sitting with your legs crossed.
If you're experiencing these symptoms, Pes Anserine Bursitis may be the root cause of your knee pain. But fret not, as there are targeted exercises to help strengthen the associated muscles and relieve discomfort.

Strengthening Exercises for Pes Anserine Bursitis
Pronated Hamstring Curl (Semitendinosus):
Begin by lying face down on an exercise mat or bench.
Bend one knee to 90 degrees while keeping the other leg straight.
Curl your heel toward your buttocks, engaging your hamstring muscles.
Hold for a moment, then lower your leg.
Perform 3 sets of 12 repetitions for each leg.
Side lying leg lift (Garcilis)
Lie on your side with your legs straight and stacked on top of each other.
Lift the top leg as high as possible while keeping it straight.
Lower it back down without touching the bottom leg.
Perform 3 sets of 12 repetitions for each leg.
Knee Drives with Rotation (Sartorius):
Begin be lying face up on an exercise mat or bench.
Lift one knee towards your chest while simultaneously rotating your knee out.
Return to the starting position.
Perform 3 sets of 12 repetitions for each leg.
These exercises specifically target the muscles connected to the pes anserine bursa, helping to alleviate inflammation and improve knee stability.
Seek Professional Guidance
While these exercises can be effective, it's crucial to consult a sports med professional if you suspect Pes Anserine Bursitis. They can provide a proper diagnosis and tailor a rehabilitation plan to your unique needs.
Incorporate these exercises into your routine as part of your recovery and prevention strategy. Strengthening the muscles around the knee can not only provide relief from pain but also contribute to your overall running strength and resilience.
Additional healing strategies include:
Your running form may be contributing to your knee pain - Schedule a Running Assessment here. We will find out if your are bounding and causing excess pain in the knee.
Learn more on the running form related to Runners Knee here.
Incorporating hip strengthening and improve ankle mobility and reduce strain on the knee joint.
Assessing footwear by a Running store professional.
Our next Masterclass will be on all things Hamstrings pain. With my awesome friend and physical therapist Angie. If you have or have ever had hamstring pains, you won't want to miss this! Save you seat here!
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